I believe giving to others is beautiful and is how we are meant to do life. Why is giving beautiful? Because in giving we lose sight of ourselves and become "others focused."
When our hands and our hearts that hold our love, our compassion and even our possessions, are so tightly closed to giving and sharing, then they are also closed to receiving...closed to receiving blessings from God. It is truly all about stewardship and not ownership. Everything we have and are blessed with, is all thanks to God. Everything comes to us from Him and is not ours to keep but God's to share. And if we had compassion like Jesus did during His earthly ministries, then we would see the heart of people and not only see, but our compassion would urge us take action. We would want to give anything that was needed, whether it be our possessions, our time, kindness, and especially love, to make a situation better or help someone feel better.
We are all able to give in some capacity or another. What we are able to give is determined by what we have been blessed with. What gifts, talents, or finanical blessings God has bestowed upon us. However, just because we are able to give, Lord help us, we are not all willing. Willingness comes from the heart. Willingness comes from an internal need and desire to want to give based on a heart full of love and compassion to do so. Jesus was more than able to offer an abundance of love mercy, grace, compassion and healing. Where would we be today if He wasn't "willing"?
He is just as "willing" as He is "able". And with a true heart for God, we should be "willing" as well.
"You have not truly given until you’ve given to someone who will never be able to repay you."
Giving, giving and more giving
December 16, 2007Posted by Just a Thought at Sunday, December 16, 2007