We can all rise above

December 21, 2007

Whatever our situation or circumstance, God can bring us through and we can rise above it. God knows how capable we are and He wants us to know how capable we are.
When we are faced with challenges and problems, He doesn't want us to be constantly just "talking about" our problems. This just breathes life into our them and allows our problems to grow. But God "does" want us to talk about our problems if we are coming together with others in His name to talk "to" and not "about" the problem.

When we face our circumstances and look to find solutions and release them to God, we are taking immediate action to rid ourselves of any negative strongholds our situations have on our daily lives. We are acknowledging that our circumstances don't define who we are. And because they don't define who we are, we know that we may find ourselves in unwanted and unpleasant circumstances but through it all we can remain pleasant. By allowing our emotions to be dictated by our circumstances, we are already accepting defeat. But by remaining true to our faith, joy and peace, half the battle has already been fought. We have already started to overcome and rise above everything that comes our way.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley,

I love this song and what a great video to go with it.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to visiting here more often.

God Bless!